
About the Blog:

The Unruly Girls is a blog that's all about lifestyle and personal development inspiring others to live a life and become someone they are proud of.

From articles about intentional living, goal setting, positivity, time management, productivity and wellness to essays on feminism, self love, fashion, beauty, my late coffee shop adventures, and features of inspiring creatives, ideas and tips are over flowing here!

The blog started as an online journal where I can document my life and emotions as well as a creative outlet to share the things Im passionate about. From Soft and Savage, it was established with the hopes of improving myself and break the limits Ive unconsciously restricted myself with. And into The Unruly Girls where I ventured to seek a greater purpose - to convey a message and tell stories that will help inspire and empower others.

Why "The Unruly Girls?"

The name "Unruly Girls" came to me one night while working. The previous blog had a tagline "a lover and a dreamer with hair as unruly as her thoughts."

The word "Unruly" has more to do with negative traits but I wanted to highlight the positive that hides behind it- being carefree, confident, brave, raw, unrestrained, straightforward. 

I wanted to empower girls to go beyond this unspoken expectation to behave a certain way that confines us inside boxes of stereotypes, preventing us from reaching our full potential. 

To embrace being unruly if it meant being free to be.

Behind the blog:

Hi! I'm Nicole Constante, an 18 year old content creator who is passionate about empowering others and inspiring others to live a life of intention, positivity and abundance. 
I am..
  • a virgo
  • a bullet journal and planning junkie
  • an organization freak
  • always working in coffee shops
  • a morning person
  • bra-free!
  • a homebody
  • a tea drinking yogi
  • a self-help book hoarder
  • a photographer 
  • a mom to a plant called fish 
  • inlove with my dogs Nacho the Husky and Martini the Shih Tzu