A girl's guide to goal setting

I think we've all had our fair share of dreams. Well, at least I did. I have always had this vision of what I wanted, no matter how vague they were and how quickly they come and go. Certainly, my dreams now are so different from what I wanted a few months ago. And this time, I promised myself that I would turn those dreams into goals, and my goals into plans. They say good things come to those who wait but this girl begs to differ. I believe that great things happen to those who hustle and work for it.

Here are eight things I learnt in the process of setting goals for myself and going after them.

1. Set specific goals.

     Having a concrete, realistic and measurable goal is the first and probably the most essential step in pursuing something. This way, you won't end up with a vague picture of what you want. So, what is it that you want to achieve? Where do you want to be? When do you want to get it? If you don't have answers to these questions, you have dreams, not plans. Sometimes we set general goals because we don't know how to get there exactly, maybe we are afraid to fail or simply because we do not trust ourselves enough. So.. you want to be promoted, as what? By when? "To be physically fit" isn't specific enough, don't you think?
Once you've got a grasp of what you really want, write it down on your journal, or on a note on your cork board, on your fridge with a magnet, anywhere you can see it! Just write it down and go through it everyday to remind yourself where to fix your eyes on. Focus on those goals, bbgirl.

2. Know your "why."

     In times when nothing seems to work and it all feels hopeless (and trust me, there's many of them), I go back to my "why." Remembering why I started and looking at the bigger picture keeps me moving and creating. Our "why" is the foundation of everything that we do and so it should be based on something that isn't easily destroyed. It should go beyond the superficial. Know your "why". and never ever stop asking yourself that question.

3. Prioritize.

     If you want something new, you have to get rid of old habits. What are your priorities in life? In what order does this goal of yours fall on? If it's really on top, your routine will change. Know that there will be sacrifices and be prepared to make them. I had to say no to seeing some people a few times, to pass on a catch up over drinks session with my girls, going to the spa with the family just so I could finish working. It's part of the self discipline I strive hard to master. Im not saying you should compromise your relationships or your own wellbeing. What Im trying to say is that having self discipline takes a lot more effort than it seems and motivation should come from the inside. To me, it doesn't feel like Im sacrificing anything especially because I enjoy what I do. It also helps that Ive surrounded myself with such open minded people who supports me all the way.

4. Set short and long term goals.

     ...and list down ways on how you can achieve them. Yup, down to the littlest ones. What do you want to achieve this year? This season? What can you do in a month to achieve it? What could be done in a week? What could you do TODAY that would take you steps closer to that goal?
     Cutting your work into little tasks help a lot as well. For example, whenever I want to get a video uploaded, I don't just jot down "post video" in my daily log on my bullet journal. Instead, it goes like: Film, rough cut, record voiceover, final cut, transitions and titles, thumbnail, write the copy, upload. This way, my tasks are more concrete and I get to check off 8 things instead of one! Anything to get the feeling of productivity, amirite ladies???

5. Celebrate big and small wins. 

     Every winner knows how to celebrate herself. You got out of bed on time today? Yas girl! Ate healthy? Ahuh keep it up! Celebrate yourself but be careful not to be satisfied. Keep craving more of it. Strive to achieve more as if your life depends on it. Give yourself rewards that do not compromise your values nor sabotage everything you've worked hard for. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and you spent hours at the gym and watched your diet all week, you won't put that all to waste on the weekend with a big cheat day. Right? I'll say it again, give yourself things that are actually rewarding. And surprise, it doesnt always have to cost you money (especially if your goal is to save!)

6. Give yourself a deadline.

   I highly believe in The Parkinson's Law which basically says that your tasks expand as to fill the time set for their completion. Meaning, if you're given 2 weeks to finish it, it will become more intimidating and harder because it will expand itself to seize those two weeks. Not only will it give you more work, but stress, pressure and added tension as well. The same is true for the deadlines we set for ourselves. Give yourself a day to finish it, and it's done before the sun rises tomorrow. I know how hard it is to commit to your own deadlines. Believe me, I have experienced it first hand and being the queen of treating myself certainly does not help. But the fulfilment and satisfaction I get whenever I get something done on time is so addicting. It's something I strive to feel and everyday is another chance to chase it. 

7. Hold yourself accountable.

      ....and yes, this comes from someone who believes in jinxing things! Well, at least I used to. Now, I tell the people I trust about my goals, sans the fear that they may change. I let go of the fear that they wont happen or that I'll be a laughing stock because for sure before could ever happen, Ive already given my best. And I'll know better than to sulk over things because they always happen for reasons only time can make us realise. It's either success of growth. Sharing my goals has been a bittersweet experience. Not that I'm doing things to prove myself to other people, but having a certain kind of positive pressure from people who cares for me gives me the motivation to work  harder. Also, seeing people get excited about it as I am brings me joy like no other! I also joined groups of women working towards something and it's nice to have a community with the same mindset as you. 

8. Choose your distractions.

     Augustus Waters once said, "you don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have a say in who hurts you." And I'd like to believe that's the same with distractions. They will be everywhere and you wont always be able to turn them down. You could be working for hours with that focused state and still a notification would pop up or you'll remember something three years ago. I like to think of "distraction" as something positive, as a rest, a break, a breather, if you will.  My favourite distraction is whenever my little cousins, Yuna and Yana, comes over. Im helpless when it comes to them so I just give in and play/cuddle for a bit. After some time, I'll ask my sister to bring them somewhere else so I could go back and focus on my work.  There are many kinds of distractions and if I couldn't keep them at bay, at least I get to choose the ones Id let get to the shore.

I hope this post has been informative and/or helpful in some way! Go after your heart and get shit done, little missy. It's go big or go home. Work for it ⚡️

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