The sculptor and the masterpiece

When Michelangelo was asked how he was able to create his masterpiece David, he said that he's already pictured him in the block of marble. All he did was carve away everything that didnt look like David. 

For the longest time I tried to acquire things I do not posses, not knowing that the only way to be closer to the woman I want to become is to get rid of the things that hinders me from being her. My journey to personal development started when I committed to and embraced her.

Like Michelangelo, you too can create your own masterpiece with your block of marble that is yourself. You can chisel out a life that is true to yourself, one you are proud of. Envision the person you want to become and simply get rid of the things that does not have anything to do with nor define her.

Let go of it today, whatever that is holding you back from becoming the person youve always want to and have always been bound to become. Whatever that's hindering your growth. Anyone can let go of impatience, of misdirection, of toxic habits and lack of intent. Tell it gently, "you are no longer serving me and you must go." You do not have to carry it anymore. It may have served you for the time being but now, it is time to move forward. 

Remove what doesnt belong to you. The person inside that awaits you is going to cost you relationships, she will cost you your comfort, your favorite shows, your time and energy, sleep, your routine. But I promise you, she is worth it. Choose her over everything.

There's no need to add,  to look elsewhere for something to complete you because love, there's not a thing that you lack. Whatever you are seeking, it is already within you. For now it may be hidden under the excess and unnecessary, but the good thing is that all you need to do is let go.

Discover yourself. Know who you are. And from there you will be able to recognise what you are and what you arent. Keep only the parts adding up to the person that you are. Down to the smallest details, to the curves and edges. Accept the rough parts for even they add up to you.

And most of all, take your time love. Take your time carving away so as not to ruin the marble block. There's no need to rush, nor to compare yourself to others. We are all a work in progress, in different stages. You'll figure it out soon enough. 

You have it within, now is the time to stop searching.

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