Why you need monthly reviews and how to write them

And just like that, August is about to be done and we're saying hello to the Ber months! Before I turn this post into one where I squeal of excitement for Christmas season, Id get started and straight ahead to the main topic! 

Every last week of the month, I make it a point to review the past 4 weeks before I head over and plan the next. I take an hour to just sit down and reevaluate myself. No distractions, just me and my bullet journal. 

I started doing Monthly reviews in June after taking a break from it for a good few months (I turned to doing it weekly). For June, it was solely because I shoots here and there and wanted to recall the places Ive been to and the good memories Ive made. Then in July, I started taking it more seriously and reevaluated what I did great at and the areas I still need improvement on. 

I learned how crucial it is to celebrate myself, down to the smallest victories others may deem foolish. Write every milestone. Every baby step. Because at the end of the day, if you dont celebrate yourself first, who would? :) I became more grateful for and appreciative of the new people I met, new goals ticked off, new experiences and ideas.

My self discipline has greatly improved because Im forced to really be honest with myself and address what Im slacking on. To reflect and find the root of whats causing them. We're all about that self-improvement here haha!

I also found that it has helped me be more patient and kind towards myself because sometimes it's easy to think Im not doing enough especially because Im very goal-oriented. When Im writing those accomplishments down, I get surprised as to how many things I was able to accomplish and experience!

And to help you get started on your own, Ive compiled a few of my favorite spreads from my fellow bullet journalist on Pinterest. I always go there for inspiration! Ive also came up with guide questions to help you!

Guide questions and what to include in your end-of-the-month review:

  1. Your successes!
  2. Highlights of the month/Favorite moments
  3. What worked?
  4. What didnt work?
  5. What do you need improvement on?
  6. Anything new! - experience, material things, friends
  7. How youre doing at every section in your life - relationships, career, self, education
  8. Lessons learned
  9. New ideas to consider or habits you would love to start practicing 
  10. Intentions for the coming month

Have fun reviewing your month and doing some reflection. 

As always, remember to be gentle with yourself and..

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